wait for it…

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

How is it that an activity as effortless as waiting can be so exhausting?

I am currently waiting for Robert to call and report on his day-long interview.  I have almost worn a hole in the carpet from pacing.  I can’t focus on anything else.  I have plenty of other things I need to be doing but I can’t get my mind to switch off of the topic at hand.  But it’s not just this.  Any kind of waiting can be tedious.  Waiting for the phone to ring, the baby to arrive, a ride, test results, the doctor, the end of a meeting…

I think you get my point.  I know that we are currently dealing with a generation of young people who are accustomed to instant gratification.  Technology is a wonderful thing but I think it has depleted the already scarce patience in many people.  Emailing and texting are instant links to most anyone.  Type an address into your GPS and you instantly have the easiest and quickest way to get anywhere.  Order something online, pay extra for overnight shipping and almost any product will be at your door in less than 24 hours. I don’t find waiting for that perfect sweater or pizza to show up particularly difficult, but waiting for the bigger things in life can border on torture.

Robert and I have been together more than 14 years.  We are about as close to sharing a brain as you can get.  Unfortunately, we are professional “what if” players.  You give us any situation that includes waiting and we will “what if” it to death.  It is ridiculous.  We have finally admitted that this is a problem and we are able to stop each other before it gets too out of hand.  Need an example?  This job search has been full of difficult waiting and what-iffing.  When will he/she call back?  What if they heard something negative about Robert?  What if they don’t think he’s a good fit?  What if they are just pumping him for information?  What if no one calls?  What if?  What if?  WHAT IF???  Whew….I need to relax….

The girls and I had dinner at a friend’s house last night and after supper we went outside to throw the ball for her two precious dogs.  They were beside themselves.  They had both been so well behaved the entire evening but as soon as they heard the word “ball” they could not wait any more.  They couldn’t get out the door, down the steps and into the yard fast enough.  I didn’t think anything about it until this blog article started to form in my head.  Even these cool canines were beside themselves when they had to wait a mere moment for something that is very important to them.  Sound familiar?

My whole point is that I have spent most of my day wandering around the house waiting and playing “what if” and I am completely drained.  Exhausted.  Worn out.  Stressed to my limit.  Somebody get me some chocolate…